Many people have contacted us with dreams that occurred before 9/11 that seem to relate to the 9/11 events. We are now soliciting reports of dreams (and other experiences such as feelings, hunches, unexpected deviations from your normal routine, premonitions or daydreams) that occurred before the events of 9/11 and that seem to relate to the terrorist attacks on the United States. If you experienced a dream, or other premonition, about the attacks before they happened on September 11th, 2001, and would like to submit a report, please write as much detail as possible below and send the report to us by hitting the SEND button below.
Please include your name and a way to reach you, either by mail, phone or email.
About Precognitive Dreams
Glimpses of the future are far more common than most people realize, and seem most often (although not exclusively) to come in dreams.
For instance, J. W. Dunne's book "An Experiment with Time" was written in 1927 about his own dreams about the future (precognitive dreams), and his informal experiments with his friends to see if everyone might have these future glimpses, which he called "future day residue" after Freud's term "day residue". (In "The Interpretation of Dreams," Freud says: "in every dream it is possible to find a point of contact with the experiences of the previous day." Freud called such past experiences that can be found in dreams "day residue.") Dunne found that dreams about future events were common in the dreams of people who wrote their dreams down and looked for future correspondences. He hypothesized that there was usually emotional resistance in people to the concept of seeing the future that tended to prevent the recognition of the relationship between dreams and future events. In some other cultures, the idea that dreams might foretell the future is more accepted than it is in our society, although the interpretation of the meaning of these instances may vary.
A cover article in the New York Times "Week in Review" section of December 16, 2001, written by Sarah Boxer about the banality of evil, discusses that there were many instances of seemingly precognitive dreams about the coming attacks that were reported to Osama Bin Laden and to his friends in the recently released tape of a dinner in which the 9/11 attacks were discussed.
The New York Times article reports: "Mr. Bin Laden excitedly recalls a dream someone told him: 'I saw in a dream, we were playing a soccer game against the Americans. When our team showed up in the field, they were all pilots! So I wondered if that was a soccer game or a pilot game? Our players were pilots.'"
The article goes on: "The sheik then recounts a dream someone else told him: 'I saw a vision. I was in a huge plane, long and wide. I was carrying it on my shoulders and I walked from the road to the desert for half a kilometer. I was dragging the plane.'"
The Times writer offers an interpretation based on Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" that all these men are having flying dreams because they "evoke the excited feelings of childhood games, 'but the voluptuous feelings are now transformed into anxiety.'"
The article continues: "Everyone, even one man who is off camera, wants to tell his particular version of the flying dream. You might almost think these men cared more about the dreams foretelling the event than the event itself...Mr. Bin Laden and his guests seem to be anxious about establishing evidence ...revealed through prophetic dreams, that Allah is on their side...This ... seems to be the interpretation of the dreams told in the tape."
"In fact, Mr. Bin Laden takes them so seriously that he says he was afraid that the visionaries and dreamers would give the World Trade Center plot away: 'I was worried that maybe the secret would be revealed if everyone starts seeing it in their dream.' So he tells a dreaming man in Kandahar 'not to tell anybody' his dreams about an airplane."
Freud is quoted in the Times article: "Freud notes, 'writers of antiquity who preceded Aristotle did not regard the dream as a product of the dreaming psyche, but as an inspiration of divine origin.'" Researchers in the field of parapsychology, on the other hand, would not attribute dreams of the future to divine powers, but to as-yet-poorly-understood natural human abilities that can be studied scientifically.
You may be interested in the following articles about dreams and Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP):
Krippner, S., Ullman, M. and Honorton, C. (1971). "A precognitive dream study with a single subject." Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 65,192-203.
Krippner, S. Honorton, C. and Ullman, M. (1972). "A second precognitive dream study with Malcolm Bessent." Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 66, 269-279.
Child, I. L. (1985). "Psychology and anomalous observations: The question of ESP in dreams." American Psychologist, vol. 40, no. 11, 1219-1230.