BooksGeneral Parapsychology |
Discover how to move objects - based on Martin Caidin's breakthrough experiments in human willpower. Discover how the Mind Over Matter link can affect all phases of your life - from your health to your relationships, from your career to the way you view the world around you.
340 pp., pbk., 1996, Kensington
Explores the often overlooked experiential evidence for psychic phenomena from an historical and philosophical perspective. Discusses topics such as apparitions, mediumship and PK, relating them to a broader concept of Science.
281 pp., pbk., 1992, Routledge
Essays from a highly respected parapsychologist on the nature and credibility of psi phenomena, encompassing philosophical and scientific implications; including ESP, PK, memory, dualism.
232 pp., cloth, 1990, McFarland
Hauntings, poltergeists and related phenomena are discussed in a manner that is both informative and fun. Includes sections on ghost stories, history, and how kids can be their own "Ghost Detectives." Illustrations by True Kelley. For middle readers ages 9-11.
138 pp., cloth, 1994, Houghton Miffin
Parapsychology for kids. Topics include claivoyance, precognition, telepathy, the ganzfeld, psychics and many others. Includes experiments that can be performed at home. Excellent introduction to parapsychology and psi phenomena for young people. Illustrations by True Kelley. For middle readers ages 9-11.
192 pp., cloth, 1994, Houghton Miffin
Provides a clear and well-balanced survey of the field. Includes overview and history; research methods and findings; scientific, philosophical and social implications.
448 pp., pbk., 1986, Routlege
A practical reference guide to the paranormal; over 500 subject categories including alchemy, apparitions, dowsing, exocism, healing, magic, New Age, prophecy, voodoo, etc.; with illustrations and reference sources.
679 pp., pbk., 1991, Harper-Collins
Revised edition of Irwin's parapsychology textbook. Outlines the history of the field, experimental methods, ESP, PK, poltergeists, OBE's, survival phenomena and many other topics.
393 pp., cloth, 1994, McFarland
A collection of essays exploring the contributions of this ASPR founder to the scientific study of psychic phenomena. Addresses a variety of topics in psychical research - early ASPR history, the famous Census of Hallucinations, mediumship, trance phenomena, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.
684 pp., cloth, 1986, Harvard University Press
"This book in memory of Gaither Pratt will in the main speak through Gaither's own writings." "Any attempt to write an account of Gaither Pratt's life becomes an attempt to write an account of a crucial period of parapsychology."
295 pp., cloth, 1987, McFarland
Essays on the history of psychology, the scientific nature of parapsychological research, and "Humanity in the Universe"; includes complete Gardner Murphy bibliography.
311 pp., cloth, 1989, McFarland
Definitive biography of a life dedicated to psychological and parapsychological research.
426 pp., cloth, 1990, McFarland
Exploration of psychic and exceptional experiences among athletes - recounting moments of illumination and ecstasy, OBE's, altered perceptions of time and space, and exceptional feats of strength and endurance. The authors draw striking parallels between these uncanny experiences and those of mystics and yogis.
302 pp., pbk., 1995, Penguin/Arkana
Critical response to the NRC's report, "Enhancing Human Performance", and its negative findings on parapsychological research.
28 pp., pbk., 1987, Parapsychological Association
Interviews with well-known parapsychologists J. Eisenbud, M. Ullman, J. Ehrenwald, E. Coly, J. H. Rush, G. Schmeidler, E. Servadio, R. Haynes, H. Bender, K. Osis, G. Zorab, B. Grad.
181 pp., cloth, 1987, McFarland
Dr. Rosen confronts basic anomalies in the foundations of contemporary knowledge, calling into question our conventional way of thinking about space, time and the nature of human experience.
317 pp., pbk., 1994, SUNY Press
Discusses the testing methodology of ESP as a psychological process, and evaluates the results and implications.
236 pp., cloth, 1988, McFarland
Essays on a variety of ESP experiments, including Pearce-Pratt, clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy.
166 pp., pbk., 1969, Atherton Press
A guide to understanding and documenting psychic, exceptional and transcendent experiences in one's own life. Sections on defining Exceptional Human Experiences, learning from them, and writing an EHE Autobiography.
165 pp., pbk., 1994, EHE Network
The essential reference guide to all aspects of parapsychological research. Includes annotated book list, listings of relevant periodicals, organizations, research centers, U. S. Government interests, chronological list of theses on parapsychology, etc.
713 pp., cloth, 1990, Scarecrow Press
313 pp., 1973 edition
Practical handbook for psychic testing. Designed with researchers in mind, this is an excellent resource for anyone with psychics. Discusses methods of fraud, motivation, and suggestions for careful, controlled experimentation.
109 pp., cloth, 1995, Prometheus Books
Authoritative, documented essays on: psychokinesis, ESP experiments, survival, healing, past lives, etc.
Vol. 1, 2, 3: 1977-82, Plenum Press
Vol. 4, 5, 6, 7: 1984-90, McFarland
Abstracts and papers from the annual conventions of the Parapsychological Association; the latest experimental procedures and findings in all aspects of research.
Cloth, Scarecrow Press 1985 - 1993
The Parapsychology Sources of Information Center published twice yearly abstract summaries from journals in parapsychology worldwide, related specialty and critical journals, science and general interest magazines, books; also parapsychology proceedings, theses dissertations, monographs.
Covered published material in the field, plus selected older articles and books.
Single issues, Vol. 1 (1983) to Vol.7 (1989)
Vol.8 (1990) to Vol.12 (1991)